Webinar | Thursday, March 9th at 3:00pm EST

The Power of Play, Puzzles, and Perseverance

Secrets to Helping Students Re-Engage at School​​

Register for Webinar

We hear it from teachers all the time…

Now more than ever, kids are struggling to stay engaged at school. Join us on March 9th at 3:00pm EST to learn the secrets of how to effectively use play and puzzles to re-engage students with classroom learning.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Why puzzles are unique in teaching kids to do hard things, together!
  • What true fun is and why it motivates kids to learn.
  • What cutting-edge research tells us about how best to engage our students.
  • How to use the “three P’s” — Play, Puzzles, and Perseverance to change your classroom and get academic and behavioral results beyond what you’d ever expect!


The webinar will be held on Thursday, March 9th at 3:00pm EST

It will be hosted by Chris Ryan, CEO and Co-Founder of Silverquicken Education and two teachers, Sheila Hurst from Indiana and Jamie Ramsburg from New Jersey, who will share exactly how their students have used play and puzzles to completely change their engagement levels at school this year.

If you register today, we will provide you with a FREE bonus Puzzle Pack you can use with your students! .

Try Silverquicken puzzles with your students!

Gift Education That Feels Like Play

Includes 2 sets of 2 puzzles each: 2 number and 2 word