Silverquicken @PAGE

Pennsylvania Association for the Gifted
November 7-8, 2024

Puzzles, Games, and Stories Can Transform Your Classroom

Want your students to learn problem solving, creativity, and teamwork? Want to do it in a fun, easy-to-implement way? 

Join us at our booth at the PAGE fall conference to learn all about Silverquicken. And join us for our workshop, “PUZZLEMANIA: 12 GREAT PUZZLES TO CHALLENGE AND TEAM-BUILD” on Thursday, 11/7!

Silverquicken Downloads

Workshop Materials: Puzzlemania

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Dream Trampoline

“Dream Trampoline” processes provide both structure and free exploration to foster creative thinking in our gifted children. In this session, we examine engaging research-based strategies and activities that unlock opportunities for creative thinking and that have been implemented successfully with gifted children in after-school programs. Participants will be able to identify particular challenges around fostering creative thinking in gifted children, recognize key characteristics of effective “Dream Trampoline” activities, and identify ways to incorporate such activities into their practice


Join us for a fun, interactive session with engaging, challenging puzzles you can use right away! Try your hand at solving complex puzzles (don’t worry, we’ll help!), and learn proven strategies for helping your gifted kids develop more comfort with productive struggle.  Plus, learn why puzzles are unique and effective at building academic and social/emotional skills for gifted students.

How to Silverquicken Your School