Silverquicken @NAGC

National Association for Gifted Children
November 21-24, 2024 | Seattle, WA

Puzzles, Games, and Stories Can Transform Your Classroom

Want your students to learn problem solving, creativity, and teamwork? Want to do it in a fun, easy-to-implement way? 

Come by Booth 506 to learn all about how Silverquicken’s programs can help build your student’s problem-solving, creativity, and teamwork skills. And join us for our workshop, “SEEDs of Wonder: The Secret Ingredient for a Thinking Classroom” on Saturday, November 23 at 3:45 PM!

Workshop Materials: SEEDs of Wonder

November 23, 3:45 PM, Room 401

Join us to learn how Silverquicken Episodes for Enrichment and Diagnosis (SEED) can help you bring rigorous and fun learning to students. This book, co-authored with Brian Housand, provides educators with 20-30-minute “SEEDs”—story-based puzzles, games, and activities that build thinking AND feeling skills we know our gifted students need. Learn how you can plant SEEDs in your own classroom!

Come Connect with Us

Stop by Booth 506 and get a Silverquicken sticker with one of our Strand symbols on it. Find out what it means, and how you can help your learners strengthen their own strands. Then meet educators with the other Strands, snap a pic, and enter to win prizes!

How to Silverquicken Your School

Silverquicken NAGC Session Slides