As parents, we send our kids to school every day hoping they get the most out of their education.
We also want them to enjoy their days while at school–and for most of us, our kids start off loving it! But somewhere along the way, the excitement fades. Our kids are a little harder to motivate in the mornings. They have fewer stories to tell when they get home in the afternoons.
Whether they verbalize it to you or not, you know they are bored.
You know that the school and teachers are doing everything they can for your child. You see the homework and assessments that come home, and you know they are working hard to teach your child the things they need to know to be successful.
You also know how much teachers are expected to cover within the school year. From federally mandated minutes to designated curriculum, you’ve often wondered how much actual room there is for fun in school in today’s education system.
You can’t really blame your child for feeling the way they are feeling, despite how much the teachers are doing. Today’s student feels:
Don’t you wish there was a way to bring that spark back? That joy of learning that they once were so eager to share with you?
All of those things are competing for our, and our kids’ attention. And what we want more than any of it is for our kids to be kids. And to have fun doing it.
Kids can be kids, have fun, AND excel in all the things we want them to. We can provide them with the tools they need to become successful secondary and postsecondary students, and active members of their communities. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.
You can get your child excited about learning again, and have fun right alongside them.
Silverquicken offers research based, academic puzzles that support critical thinking and problem solving skills that you can use at home to support your child’s academic growth.
There are lots of ways to use the Silverquicken Monthly Puzzle Subscription at home. When you invest in the Silverquicken Quest Club you can:
Silverquicken activities all have one thing in common: they’re extremely fun for kids.
Screens are everywhere, and our kids are constantly on them. While there are benefits to certain types of screen time, like cooperative problem solving and socialization, there’s a fine line between beneficial screen time and our kids hitting the point of zoning out.
One of the things kids love most about video games is immersing themselves in a fictional world and being rewarded for persevering through challenges to tackle and solve complex problems.
When you invest in Silverquicken for your child, you provide them with the opportunity to use higher level thinking skills and solve complex puzzles that will leave them feeling confident, accomplished, and excited for more.
Best of all? The skills they practice at home while having fun with Silverquicken puzzles directly impact their ability to succeed in rigorous academics in school!
We believe in the transformative power of play and wonder. Silverquicken feels mysterious and magical, igniting sparks of creativity in young minds.
Our academic puzzles are tough! Through challenging yet engaging activities, we encourage productive struggle that leads to personal growth.
Tackling tough problems together builds a true sense of community. Students find a place where they belong as solvers, creators, and leaders.
Proudly Headquartered in North Carolina!
104 Jasmine Ct
Carrboro, NC 27510
Gift Education That Feels Like Play
Gift Education That Feels Like Play
Includes 2 sets of 2 puzzles each: 2 Logic and 2 Cipher