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About Silverquicken

Who We Are

We’re a team of educators, puzzle creators, writers, graphic designers, artists, producers, and more. Our strengths and backgrounds are different, but we all share a love of puzzles, games, and stories. And we all believe that the best way to teach kids is through play. 

That’s why everything we build is both fun and rigorous. It’s why we focus on not just thinking skills, but feeling skills too. And it’s why we believe that explicit instruction around complex problem solving, creativity, and teamwork – through fun and exciting challenges – is exactly what kids need today, in order to become the Solvers, Creators, and Leaders we need them to be tomorrow.

Our Story

Chris and Leslie have been friends for more years that we care to admit! In grad school we were two of the only education-focused MBA students, working in early K-12 ed-tech ventures, representing the student body as curriculum representatives, and working with local schools in Durham, NC. After separate careers with various education companies, we reconnected in 2020 when our own young kids were struggling with academic and social engagement. 

In the wake of the pandemic and with the rise of “screenagers,” we realized that what kids have lost is far more than just math, science, or social studies. They’ve lost the ability to think critically about novel problems. To work collaboratively with others and persevere toward solutions. To come up with new ideas and extend learning beyond what’s being taught.

At the same time, our world has gotten more and more complex and difficult to navigate. The problems our children will face during their lifetimes are dire. These problems will require novel ideas, creative solutions, and the ability to collaborate across geographies, ideologies, and life experiences. Put simply: Now, more than ever, our kids need real problem-solving, creativity and teamwork skills.

But you can’t force-feed these skills. You have to cultivate them. And you’ve got to start early.

That’s where Silverquicken comes in. Our programs excite and inspire children to stretch themselves. As kids tackle our tough challenges, they don’t just gain knowledge and skills. They become young Solvers, Creators, and Leaders.

Our Team